Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Second Anniversary Celebration

This weekend was very exciting, as it was the church's 2nd year anniversary.  We had a big bash on the bottom floor of our building in the parking area.  I already uploaded pictures onto facebook so you can see there and get a feel for how it went.  We had a pretty good turn out of people, but the best part was seeing how all the members worked together.  There was no real leader of the whole show, but everyone did their part well and the whole event went relatively smoothly.  I was very proud of the entire team for the hard work and great preparation.

I am also very happy to say that I'm able to step back from ministry in the church until the end of March.  With the wedding just around the corner and my last month of this semester in school, I knew if I did not step back I would go crazy. Joshua, my team leader, will be stepping in for me and taking care of leading everything till I am done school.  This is really great for me because in the last few weeks I was really running out of steam and this just allows me to focus on other big things in my life right now.

Grace and I are well on our way with getting the wedding preparations set, and I look forward to seeing my parents and a few other special guests arrive in the coming weeks.  I have now been gone longer then any of my other trips, so it will be very nice to see family again.

There are some things to be praying about of course, and I think at the top of the list is Grace getting a visa.  But Grace and I are also going to have to make some choices about the coming months, as our lives are about to experience a lot of change.  We are going to need to raise more support - at least another $500 monthly, and we are still praying for a car, and looking at some options for our ministry.

Thank you all for your love and support! Please keep the emails coming as well.  I love hearing from everyone and getting advice and wisdom.  I have got some great emails of encouragement and wisdom and they are very special to me.

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