Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let the good times roll!!!

Something has changed! It is as if the whole atmosphere of the church and the work seem to have been turned a 180 degrees. It's not as though it's perfect, but there is a realness to it all, as if people have become much more genuine. Every service we have continues to be powerful and encouraging, and even the ministry is wonderful. Yesterday afternoon I led the bible study at a members house and after we were all eating together and it dawned on me, and I said to myself "this is the church." To see a group of people young and old laughing and sharing stories and eating together, and pursuing the call that Jesus made to us, it was beautiful. God has transformed lives, and His goodness is beginning to overflow from the lives of people He has touched. I was listening to a mother who was asking Christopher, better known as Toph here, who is the worship leader, to get a copy of the lyrics of some of the songs we have been singing. She had been singing what she new to her friends, and they were touched by the song, so she wanted to get all the lyrics. I also taught, and everyone understood! Which is a big deal for me since I can actually teach to a non english speaking group and have them walk away with something.

We also began a bible study in another persons house who was very seriously sick, and still cant make it up the five flights of stairs in the church. Toph led that bible study, and her family joined in and actually listened. That woman has quite the story since she literally died a few times in the hospital. Her heart had stopped I think around 4 times, for extended periods of time, but had been revived each time. I went and visited her many times in the hospital to pray for her, and that has really gone a long way in developing my relationship with the family and her. All of her 3 sons greet me each time they see me, and I think a seed has been planted and I hope to be able to share the gospel with them soon.

This week is the end of the time that Mackie was given to separate himself from the church and the Youth Mobilization team. I am nervous because to be honest I still have strong negative feelings about what happened.
Forgiveness is so necessary because regardless of what has been done, I am a sinner as well and need Gods grace just as much, but the reality of that has proven to be challenging. What Mackie did in the eyes of a Canadian is absolutely disgusting, and could be criminally charged. But since it's a weakness more prone to men here, people have been very forgiving and understanding. I on the other hand can't do that, and it's going to make this a very challenging process. Please pray for me in this situation.

Some not so good news is that fundraising for my car has not gone so well. I have one seriously committed donor which is great, but please pray with me as this is something I really hope to get soon.

I will send another update soon to give more details about Mackie coming back and I will note that he is not doing any ministry or has any leadership.

Please join me in prayer for the church and the fundraising for a car.

Thank you for your love and support!


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