Friday, October 2, 2009

Flood Update

As most have heard Manila, and 25 provinces were rocked by massive flooding on September 26. We got a months rain in 12 hours which totally overloaded all drainage. Until now there are parts of Manila still underwater, and in a tomorrow we will be getting another super typhoon, and in another week it was said another one coming. We are all worried right now and hoping that the next storm will pass by.

I as well as everyone I am working with are fine. We had floods above my waist but thankfully that my apartment is on the second floor so their were no issues for me. We did not have electricity or water though for most of the 26th. Most of us went to the church, since there was water and it was the fifth floor. I went out with two others and bought for everyone, and we had to walk through waist deep water.

My classes were cancelled all week, as was the rest for the whole of Manila. I will start again on Monday, but thats if everything goes well during the next storm. The water receded by morning and we even did our church service but with many missing. Where I am, it is almost all back to normal, but there are parts of Manila that are seriously suffering. Please pray for those people.

I just went out and bought food for 25 people, and it will be handed out later tonight. The youth are now packing it and they will head to the still flooded area to hand it out.

Please pray for the Philippines right now as their is a good chance we are in for some rough times. I also just found out that many parts of the city will have their electricity turned off this evening, which for most of you will be in the morning when you wake up. I will email again as soon as I can but dont worry for us here. Our church is high up as well as my apartment and we live in the business district so it will be some of the first to have water recede and power restored.

Thank you all.


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